About David
David was born and raised in the Central African country of Nyasaland – Malawi since 1964.
As a child, David traveled extensively throughout Central and Southern Africa with his parents and was exposed to the African bush from an early age. At the age of fourteen, his parents returned to live in England and on finishing school he could not wait to return to the African continent.
As a means to return to his beloved country, David joined the British South Africa Police, a paramilitary force in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) on a three year contract, but loved the outdoor life and work so much that he served for over twenty years in that Force and during that time, he spent extended periods in the African bush. He retired from the Force shortly after Zimbabwe gained independence.
David moved into the corporate world in South Africa and recently retired for the second time, after twenty seven years with the same multinational company.
David’s love of meeting people from different cultures and showing off the magnificent land in which he has had the privilege to live, drew him to become involved in travel and tourism.
Whilst attending a Travel Expo some years ago, he had the good fortune of meeting Timothy Jackson and discovered that he shared the same passion for Africa and an inherent love of natural and wild places. He also shared many of the same values as Timothy, which subsequently led to a partnership in Timothy’s successful safari business. He is currently Director of the South African based and registered company Jackson’s African Safaris (Pty) Ltd.
David has not only had the opportunity of traveling in Africa, but has traveled extensively overseas. He is married and has two married daughters and two grandchildren; his wife and eldest daughter have a total of 55 years service in the travel industry and lend their support to the business as necessary.
David is based in the Zulu Kingdom of Kwazulu Natal, South Africa.
David can be reached for consultation as follows:
18 The Orchards
St. John’s Village
Private Bag X12
Kwazulu Natal