History & Vision

In 2017 when Timothy Jackson’s attention was brought to the Artists for Conservation Foundation, he took the initiative to attend their annual event at the VanDusen Gardens in Vancouver, B.C. where here he met Guy Combes, and naturally with a mutual interest in Kenya, especially Soysambu Conservancy given Timothy’s visit there in the year 2000 for the first time, and that Guy’s Father Simon Combes, has much history with Soysambu, an easy relationship quickly was realized and Timothy proceeded with his proposal to the Foundation.

2019 Boma Safari Film created by Will Richardson:

Timothy actually went birding with Dick Cannings and Robert Bateman in one of the first Meadowlark festivals in British Columbia, as part of a festival fundraiser, and this was just after his first visit to Kenya, and Timothy voiced his concerns to Robert Bateman about what he saw in regards to the state of affairs in how the tourism industry was acting, other words not taking enough care of the very thing that allows the business to function in the first place.  10% for conservation is the NEW MODEL Jackson’s African Safaris is wanting to pursue, and leaving the places we visit in BETTER shape than we have found them.  This THINKING could shift the current realities.  The AFC Artists for Conservation Foundation had talked about offering safaris to Kenya, hosted by some of their membership like Guy Combes and others, for some time, Jackson’s African Safaris was the missing link.  Now with one safari under our belt in 2019, and our wonderful video created by Will Richardson, we have set the stage for 10% for Conservation and Education.  We hope this can become the NEW example and the greatest competitive edge in how BUSINESS should always have operated.

In the creation of our first fundraiser safari for Artists for Conservation Foundation based on Timothy’s proposal to the AFC Foundation in 2017, out of the US$6,800.00 raised in 2019, US$2,500.00 went towards the purchase of one more Boma, protecting the cattle of Soysambu Conservancy, from predation by Lions.

Here at Jackson’s African Safaris, we hope to continue our passion to raise money and donate to Artists for Conservation Foundation, via our fundraiser safaris and anyone staying in the area, when booking specific accommodation, we can negotiate to give a full 10% of what you pay back to AFC, rather than into our own pockets.  Do explore the Artists for Conservation website, and read all about their ongoing projects, as well as enjoying the film trailer.  Please do contact us if you would be interested in joining us on safari whilst supporting the Artists for Conservation Foundation & Soysambu Conservancy.   In Trust & thanks, Timothy Jackson

Website: https://www.artistsforconservation.org/
Festival website:  https://festival.artistsforconservation.org/

2021 (2020 safari postponed – New dates set for March & November 2021)  We currently have 7 fully registered guests on this adventure to Kenya with more rooms available – Download the 2021 Safari hosted by Gregory Wellman & Timothy Jackson by clicking on this link
2019 – You can download the 2019 safari itinerary that was hosted by Guy Combes by clicking here

2019 AFC Kenya Safari hosted by Artists Guy Combes.
